Nathan Smith
Nathan is an award-winning Artist, Illustrator and Designer working in the creative industries. He is also the creative director of WonkyPix independent game developers making games for the iTunes App store.
Much of his own work is inspired by nautical and aeronautical machines to which Nathan often gives anthropomorphic qualities. Set in nonsensical landscapes where logic is
thrown away, the paintings capture the audience with the absurd. Throughout these landscapes unusual characters and machines move with an alternative physical law of their own.
The paintings are pointedly illustrative in style, a feature which now comes through strongly in his digital work.
Nathan now primarily sculpts in digital clay and composes his characters in digitally created landscapes.
His digital work has been published internationally Nathan is represented by :
AAARep .(Paris & Lisbon)
Serbin Creative Los Angeles CA / Financial Times / Newfoundland Labrador tourist board Canada / Target Brand Architecture Canada / Science Museum London / 3MS Music / 7us Media Group Germany / Wonkypix Games & Apps / Wild in Art / Silverstone motor racing / The Air Ambulance Service / Frobisher's Fruits / Colchester & Winchester Zoo / Park Inn Hotels / London 2012 Olympics / Imperial War Museum